Just read an interesting blog over at
Ok, so BOBU is offering 70/= per share same as last year despite much better performance; I am not moved. I really wouldnt want to have a dividend.
Better to let the company plough that money back in and get that value as capital gains
Quartely reports:
If only we could rally as stock holders at AGM's (which I am guilty of never having attended) and demand
that quartelies be published in the news papers and also posted onto the website, we would all be much better off. Also it should be that regulators have something about this in the regulations -- must check sometime.
Investment systems:
I remain firmly in the value investing camp. Also I read profit and loss statements and take with more salt than I do the balance sheet. Cashflow statements seem to be largely unheard of in reports that companies produce but I would probably hold them closer than the P&L.
Gold & ETF In Kenya
8 years ago