Sunday, December 4, 2011

Perfomance to date on USE ( 48 months )

BATU - 1527, BOBU - 205, DFCU - 1000, NIC - 45 ,NVL - 769, SBU - 100, UCL - 41

NVL 5.4 % annualised
DFCU 9.9 %

Consolidated position is 5.4 % annualised.

Current Strategy
Buying: NVL,NIC?
Watching: UCL,BOBU
Selling: DFCU

Best consolidated position has been 11.6% worst has been (18)%

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Performance to date on USE ( 42 months)

BATU - 1000, BOBU - 365, DFCU - 1000, NIC - 70 ,NVL - 985, SBU - 170, UCL - 35

NVL 18.1 % annualised
DFCU 11.4 %

Consolidated position is 11.6 % annualised.

Current Strategy
Buying: UCL?
Watching: BOBU, NIC
Selling: none

Best consolidated position has been 11.6% worst has been (18)%